Club Castropignano, now known as Club C Event Centre was initially formed in 1972 by a group of immigrants from Castropignano Italy. Their vision continues on today...
Welcome to Club Castropignano Niagara
In the early 1970’s, a few immigrants from Castropignano Italy had a vision to create a social club to be named “Club Castropignano”. The chosen “name” was to honour their beloved birthplace, “Castropignano,” a tiny village located in the Molise region of Italy.
Founded in 1972
A group of volunteers issued an invitation to all interested persons to attend a meeting on October 15, 1972. At that time, forty people first registered for membership, followed by the election of the first president and Board of Directors for the newly formed “Club Castropignano Niagara".
Our Board Of Directors
Mario Sceppacerqua
Ryley Davoli
Paul Fasan
Stephanie Toepp
Josie Sardella
Bea Kenny
John Macoretta
Tammy Sceppacerqua
John Grandilli
Mike Koros
Claudio Sceppacerqua
Brenda Haymes
Auxilliary Councillor &
Catering Liaison
Domenic Pisano
Club Castropignano Mission Statement
Club Castropignano was founded to make a positive difference to individuals, families and the Niagara community by providing opportunities for members to maintain and promote their Italian heritage and culture.
Club Castropignano Vision Statement
Through utilization of an event space, member’s club and community events; funds are generated and reinvested into our club as well as within our community via donations to local charitable organizations.
Club Castropignano Purpose
There are many Italian clubs within the Niagara Region, however only Club Castropignano is region specific, with its roots directly tied to the region of Molise, Italy. This makes Club Castropignano unique and the traditions of language, food, music and festivities that are paramount to our members are kept alive through regular member’s and public events for the benefit of our members and other interested parties within the community .
Club Castropignano will continue to be the place where members will want to gather for camaraderie and fellowship in an environment that is inclusive and inviting. Club Castropignano is committed to being proactive in keeping current with the evolving times to ensure continuity.